Let's Talk Wine

Is wine healthy? This is the big debate much like coffee.


There is some population data showing a J-shaped phenomenon with alcohol, namely that if you consumed small amounts you had a lower mortality than someone who was tee total, however, if you consumed too much, the harm is exponential. This suggests that there may be a sweet spot where drinking a small amount might bring some health benefits.


As with most things thought, when it comes to health, there is no one size fits all. Whether wine is suitable depends on your health status and your genetic predisposition.


Much of the potential benefit of wine is attributed to the polypenol content - resveratrol is one of those well known polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant that may confer protective benefits in cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.


My husband is a fervent wine lover, but I haven't bought wine for a couple of years now much to his dismay... I used to love wine but after finding out how contaminated most wines are with harmful chemicals, I tapped out.


Not only that, but wine can also be a sugar bomb. We've tried several 'organic' wines but I knew that they could still contain many chemicals, high in sugar.


However, we have started to indulge in the occasional glass again because I found a clean wine I liked, certified to be glyphosate free and contain more resveratrol than other red wines.


The wine that I recently discovered checked all the boxes for me. 

When I spoke to Christine, the founder of SmartVine, she told me that she spent months testing grapes in biodynamic and organic vineyards throughout the state of California, only to find the soil still contained trace amounts of glyphosate... Because RoundUp use is so prevalent, even vineyards that have not used RoundUp in 5+ years, still have trace amounts of glyphosate in the soil and/ or the chemical is blowing over from nearby fields.  However, she shared with me that her wine is: 

  • Organically grown, lab tested and certified to be glyphosate free (the only certified 100% Glyphosate free wine in the world)

  • Additive free

  • Lab tested to be 30% higher in resveratrol than any other wine in the market (Resvertarol is the super antioxidant present in the skin of the grapes that many health experts attribute health benefits of red wine to) 

  • Infused with proprietary blend of turmeric, chicory, muscadine grape skin and lemon peel (these are removed from the wine and leave no aftertaste or sediments, and are formulated to help to mitigate the typical symptoms that can occur from conventional wines, such as headaches, bloating and hangovers, and more!)

  • Each glass of wine has only 110 calories, 2 net carbs & there is ONLY 1 gram of sugar per bottle! Unheard of.

  • Founded and formulated by a nutritionist, and made by an award-winning winemaker. 


It TASTES amazing too!

Obviously, the doctor in me is not saying to go wild, it still contains alcohol, but I'm excited to be able to have a better choice that is glyphosate free, higher in resveratrol, and low in sugar, to enjoy on occasion, in small amounts. 

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