
Weight loss: why dieting doesn’t work

If you feel like you are swimming against the tide when it comes to weight loss, you ARE. Weight...

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Iron deficiency and how to boost it

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies, and is often on...

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Should I be worried about arsenic in rice?

There have been lots of reports in the press about arsenic levels in rice, and I’ve heard...

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You can change your genes. Really.

Have you been told by your doctor that you have a health condition because of bad luck or bad...

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How do you heal your gut?

Before I talk about ways to heal your gut, I want you to stop for a moment and really take...

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Why you need cilantro in your life

This delicious herb can draw out and detox the body of heavy metals (such as mercury, lead,...

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Gut health: What’s eating your gut?

Gut health is at the heart of a healthy immune system because 70% of our immune system is in the...

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